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First roadway sections lifted into place

July 28, 2004  

KFM Crews have lifted the first of 452 roadway sections into place, marking the start of a new construction phase for the new Bay Bridge East Span “Skyway” segment. A piece of equipment called a SLED, or self launching erection device, was used to lift the two 610-ton chunks of roadway from a barge and pull them into place for attachment to the roadway support columns. This process will continue until a completed roadway section reaches across the Bay.

The roadway sections were prefabricated in Stockton.

Leaning over 610 tons of steel-reinforced concrete on the edge of a barge, crews ready the first segment for the big lift. Crews steady pieces of the SLED for attachment to the roadway segment, close-up. Attaching the SLED viewed from afar. Note that the segment already atop the support (pier) was made on site and will perfectly mate with the segment being raised.
Readying the SLED for the big lift. The first segment is airborne
in this dramatic overview.
Note Emeryville and Oakland in the background, an access pier and the existing bridge to the right and a tower of purple rebar on the right that will become a support column for the westbound lanes.

Photos by Joseph A. Blum

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